
Got a question?
No problem.

SexToysUk is fully committed to protecting the privacy of our customers. One of the core traits of our prosperity is integrity and holding fast to the strictest codes of confidentiality.  Moreover, discrete packaging on every shipment is of critical importance to us.
We will never sell your information, and all the sales and customer service pursued through SexToysUk will be strictly confidential between the customer and SexToysUk.
You can email us at [email protected]
We can assure you that anything purchased from SexToysUk will be of the highest quality. So, do not hesitate to reach out to us, if you require any assistance for gaining a seamless shopping experience, and for purchasing the ideal sex toy, delay sprays, creams or lubricant!

Payment Is Via Pay Online
To cancel an order simply drop us an email at [email protected]

Yes the process is discreet, we only accept cash payments so there will be nothing on your bank statement and the driver is instructed to not announce/communicate anything that he is delivering.

Of course you can refer anyone you know and we appreciate your referral.
Yes we charge a small fee for delivery to cover our costs.
Order before 1.30pm to receive your product the Next day delivery
We are an online shop only we do not allow customer visits.
Possibly, please leave us an email wit details and we will do what we can to find it for you.